Empowering servants, leaders and world changers for a brighter future. 


Leading skills training, innovation, and entrepreneurship in advantageous areas.


We are committed to helping equip and empower the YOUTH in Ghana to be Godly leaders and skilled entrepreneurs so they will be the impact of change.


Business & Agriculture Track

These tracks will capitalize on the expanding service industry as entrepreneurial mindsets take advantage of the growing tourism and natural resources Ghana is experiencing.

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Artisan & Auto Mechanic

These tracks allow prospective students to learn a highly-skilled trade that will be instrumental in diversifying Ghana’s economy.

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Dental & Medical Track

This track will take advantage of the recent growth the service industry has provided Ghana’s gross domestic product and will create opportunities for future health professionals,

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Institute Plans

Legacy Career Institute plans to complement the formal education Ghanaian youth have successfully completed. Once fully operational, LCI will offer six tracks of in-demand, industry-based skill training. In addition, students will also receive leadership, entrepreneurial and spiritual training.

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Building our Way to a Better Future

Construction is making some great progress! After securing the land and plans for the project, we worked on completing Phase One. Now that it is done, Phase 2 and 3 are well underway. We are currently raising funds to complete the phases and allow Legacy Institute to open.

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Our Vision

Legacy Career Institute is committed to listening and following the voice of God while harnessing the entrepreneur spirit and leadership aptitude of Ghana’s youth to impact lives globally to leave a legacy of opportunity, freedom and biblical truth.