About Legacy Impact


Legacy Impact (previously Kids Prosper Kids) is a unique nonprofit that was co-founded by some amazing elementary students in Prosper, Texas who decided to see a need with their hearts and not just their eyes.  Our dedication and passion since 2017 have been faithfully pouring into the beautiful youth and people of Ghana, West Africa. 

God has grown our ministry in the U.S. and Ghana, and it has evolved into student and adult champions who are now uniting as Legacy Impact to continue to live out the tangible love of Jesus

Legacy- so Ghana’s youth can amplify their faith in God, their beautiful culture, capturing their pride and entrepreneurial spirit, and-

Impact- so that the students of LCI can create avenues of equity and access for generations to come. 

Many life-changing stories have emerged from our commitment to stay the course. God knew we needed champions to lead and build Legacy Career Institute, a technical skills institute that will bring innovative education, skills training, godly leaders, and ultimate freedom to the vulnerable and exploited youth throughout Ghana. 

We are incredibly grateful for every single person He has ordained in our Ghana journey as we embrace His promises in Philippians 1:6.  We hope and pray you will consider being a Legacy Impact Champion and join us as we love, serve and empower others with opportunity, freedom, and biblical truth in the name of Jesus.

Read more on our history as Kids Prosper Kids here.

Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.  Philippians 1:6

We encourage you to turn on subtitles in the video below!