Kids Prosper Kids Ghana Mission Trips

Kids Prosper Kids (KPK) partners with believers from various Christian schools and universities setting up winter and summer mission trip opportunities in Ghana where we are building Prosper Life Career Institute.

God has already faithfully opened doors for us in Tepa building lasting relationships with numerous people and organizations where we can share the love of Christ. While we want everything we do in Tepa to glorify God, our main focus will continue to be sharing the gospel and pouring the love of Jesus into the lives of the 18,000 citizens of Tepa, Ghana.

Over 4,000 high school students, 80 children at KIng Jesus Orphanage, thousands of elementary students and the outlying villages of Tepa are in need of clean water, food and so many basic needs you and I take for granted. KPK serves God by being the organization that not only serves the basic needs of our neighbors in Ghana, but also their spiritual needs, offering Living Water promised in John 4:14.

If you are interested in receiving information about upcoming mission opportunities, send us an email here.
