Artisan & Auto Mechanic



Why Artisan

An artisan track allows prospective students to learn a highly-skilled trade that will be instrumental for diversifying Ghana’s economy. The International Trade Administration cites that Ghana’s “medium and long-range growth prospects remain strong.”  Thus, as Ghana continues to embrace more of a western lifestyle, men and women who have credentialed skills in welding, glass fabrication, aluminum fabrication, plumbing, and carpentry will have ample employment opportunities.  There is also a growing and increasing demand for skilled labor in the mining, manufacturing, construction, and all oil and gas industries as Africa is witnessing massive investments from other countries.  However, the lack of professionally trained and trained skilled labor to meet these demands compels companies to import skilled labor from other countries to occupy these opportunities.  Legacy Career Institute will train and equip students in all these areas to provide employment to Ghanaian workers.  

Auto Mechanic

Why Auto Mechanic

An automotive track is another area of potential growth as Ghana imports 100,000 used vehicles a year ( The International Trade Administration reports that Ghana began making changes to this phenomenon with “The 2019 Ghana Automotive Development Policy in 2019 is aimed at making affordable new vehicles in the Ghanaian market and reducing the heavy reliance on used vehicles, which create environmental and safety issues.” These two factors, the influx of used vehicles, and the onset of vehicle production in Ghana make the automotive field fabulous earning potential for the youth of Ghana.


About the Tracks

artisan track learning objectives

Welding, Glass Fabrication, Plumbing, Carpentry

auto mechanic track learning objectives

Automotive Repair, Vehicle Diagnosis, Motorbike and Tricycle, Repair/Assembly